Category: Podcasts

327: Beefing Up the Peacock

In which the NetHeads discuss dishwasher dilemmas, streaming company strategies, Ted Lasso, Girl Scout Cookie sales in a pandemic, and much more on this 314 day of stay-at-home safety. …

325: Sunny D and TwitchTV

In which the NetHeads talk citrus drinks, Work at Home, online conferences, and the best way to game and watch TV with a Nintendo Switch Lite. from NetHeads

325: Sunny D and TwitchTV

In which the NetHeads talk citrus drinks, Work at Home, online conferences, and the best way to game and watch TV with a Nintendo Switch Lite. from NetHeads

324: Squeefest 2020!

In which a NetHead talks “across the pond” with Doctor Squee for his annual Squeefest to raise funds for NHS Charities Together (because now more than ever we need …

323: #GoTeamVenture

In which the NetHeads talk about California becoming Mars, how to properly clean your ash, Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppies, the ease and complexity of content creation, and the gut …

322: The Segue Cyclone

In which a NetHead is joined by a Stoner to talk tech challenges in the steaming world, Emopets, and from NetHeads

320: Nintendo Switch-ed Me

In which the NetHeads talk secret words, Marble Races, TV shows, and Nintendo Switch / gaming. SUBSCRIBE on YouTube, follow NetHeads on Instagram (@nethedasonair), and Will on TikTok (netheadww) …

319: Stoner Talk

In which a NetHead talks to Brian Stoner to find out how life changes when someone of notoriety takes notice of them. #WearAMask SUBSCRIBE on YouTube, follow NetHeads on …